Suicide Squad Rumored Film Line-up

Suicide Squad, the once rumored film has now been announced with a release date of 2016.

Latino Review announced that they know the line up of characters, but nothing has been confirmed by the studio to date. The film will reportedly center around Deadshot, Captain Boomerang and Vixen, a former hero who ends up on the Squad to redeem herself after she kills a man.  Other characters are said to include Blockbuster, Multiplex, Mindboggler and Jaculi.

Casting rumors have already started on who may be starring in the roles. Will Smith, Tom Harding, Ryan Gosling and Margot Robbie are rumored to be on the short list of actors the studio is interested in.

Anyone familiar with how the Suicide Squad works will understand that some of the members may not make it to the end of the film. We could end up with a cycling of Squad members throughout the film as they are killed off and new members take their place.

Lets get familiar with the proposed cast of characters.




Floyd Lawton, better known as Deadshot, was a gun for hire before joining the Squad. Second only to   Deathstroke as the most lethal assassin for hire in the DCU.











Captain Boomerang



George “Digger” Harkness is a violent thug from Australia who employs a variety of high-tech boomerangs to commit crimes.









Mari McCabe inherited the totem that gives her the power to tap into the morphogenetic field. She can take on the attributes of any animal on the planet. As a fashion model she has traveled the world. On one photo-shoot her colleagues came across drug smugglers and were murdered. Upon learning of this, Mari’s animal instincts kicked in and she tracked the smugglers down, lost control and killed the kingpin. She turned herself in to the authorities and was quickly snapped up and put on the Squad by Amanda Waller.









Doctor Danton Black was an assistant to Professor Martin Stein at the Hudson Nuclear Power Plant.  Stein caught Danton stealing plant designs and promptly fired him. When Stein started up the plants reactor it blew up fusing Stein and student Ronnie Raymond into the being known as Firestorm. Danton had sneaked back into the plant in an attempt to frame Professor Stein for the previous theft. He too was caught in the blast when the reactor blew. When he came too he found he was able to create duplicates of himself at will.













Roland Desmond is a criminal mastermind who along with his brother took a strength enhancing drug to commit crimes. While it made him stronger, increased usage of the drug decreased his intelligence until he made a pact with the demon Neron. Armed with super strength and intellect he makes for a formidable foe.













Leah Wasserman was a mutant with the ability to cast illusions. She fought Firestorm on numerous occasions and was defeated and captured. After serving some time in jail she decided to sign up for duty with the Squad.













Not much is known about Jaculi. He was a young man from Bedouin desert tribe who joined the mercenary terrorist group known The Jihad. He is proficient in hand-to-hand combat and is well trained with javelin-like weapons. Jaculi can produce three-seconds bursts of superhuman speed, accelerating instantly.









Jaculi II

Jaculi II
Jaculi II

She has the same powers and skills as her predecessor. Recruited by The Jihad terrorist organization, it is unknown if The Jihad were performing superhuman experimentation on their recruits.






Source:Latino Review

Thomas ODonnell

Thomas ODonnell

My love of comics started at the age of 5, when visions of mythic beings fought their way across my TV screen. Batman '66, Super Friends, Wonder Woman, and Superman '78 filled my early childhood with imagination and adventure. Soon enough I found the spinner rack! Batman, Justice League and DC's Who's Who kept me coming back for more. I've seen the death of hope, justice broken, a light extinguished, and a universe torn! A kingdom come, the lightning return, a triumph of evil and a multiverse reborn!