Original Batman Artwork by Jock Auctioned for Charity

Batman The Black Mirror no. 871

Award winning UK comic artist Jock is auctioning off an original piece of his batman artwork. The page is out of the Detective Comics, Batman: The Black Mirror, #871, which featured the writing of Scott Snyder. The artist donated the original piece of artwork to help a family friend of comic news editor Skip Harvey of Caped Crusaders which is featured on the Fansided.com website. Cape Crusaders only features news about our favorite black-caped, pointy-eared crusader, Batman, so it only seemed fitting that a page of his work should be auctioned.

Proceeds of the sale will go to a little 2 year-old boy named Nathaniel who is fighting ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia), and his family. ALL is the most common of the four major types of leukemia affecting children. Treatment of ALL involves three stages of intensive chemotherapy. The first round of chemo serves to push the leukemia into remission. The second round involves various types of chemo, including chemotherapy into the cerebrospinal fluid to kill any cancer cells that might have spread to the brain and spinal fluid. The third round of treatment is what is known as “maintenance” chemo to ensure that all cancer cells are destroyed and this process goes on for two years!

For a family facing something like this with a 2 year-old, there are many financial burdens to be faced. Treatment of this magnitude on a child would require that at least one parent either cut back on their work schedule or quit altogether. This would be a hardship for most parents with or without the heartache of watching their child go through such harsh medical treatments. While little Nathaniel’s prognosis is looking good, both he and his parents will have quite a long haul ahead of them, and need all the help and support they can get.


Please share this article about Nathaniel’s struggle with everyone you know in an effort to bring awareness to this horrible children’s disease.

About the item: The piece being auctioned is an 11” x 17” edition sized original ink on DC paper. The item has never been framed or displayed and will be shipped from the UK once sold. Auction ends on September 14th, 2014, but you can always contact Skip Harvey through the eBay auction link if you’re interested in donating to little Nathaniel’s cause, or reach him at capedcrusades@gmail.com or find him on Twitter.

Auction link: www.ebay.co.uk/itm/321515227789

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society link: www.lls.org

Source: http://capedcrusades.com/2014/09/08/jock-auctions-batman-comic-art-childrens-leukemia/