Arrow adds another villain

Attention all Arrow Fans and Green Arrow Comic fans! The show Arrow has added a new cast member to its show, but this is not an old villain. This new villain was given life in the New 52 in Green Arrow comics and he is Simon Lacroix, Komodo. Taking on this new role is Matt Ward (TRON: Legacy, Charlie St. Cloud, Alien vs. Predator: Requiem).

CW and DC Entertainment are sure stacking up these villains for Arrow to take down aren’t they. This superhero is not going to catch a break!

But I digress, Komodo will make his first appearance in the second episode of the upcoming season of Arrow. There will be some tweeks regarding his character as he will change from adversary, as he is in the comics, to a deadly mercenary who will, of course, wreak havoc on Starling City.

However, he’s not going to be subjected to a one episode introduction and will, instead, be connected to the show in a season-long storyline. At least that’s what executive producer Marc Guggenheim has stated in an interview with Entertainment Weekly. Specifically, he had this to say:

“Yes, he’s the villain-of-the-week for the second week of the show, but you’ll see that Team Arrow’s pursuit of him is part and parcel of a season-long storyline. You’re going to know what happens to Komodo at the end of the episode, but it will be a little bit tied in better with the season-long mythology than villain-of-the-week episodes have done in the past.”

This show is sure adding a lot and as I fan I just hope that the writing will be able to pull it off and continue the excellent job they’ve been doing thus far.

Source: Newsarama