The last animated movie from DC Animation was Justice League: War, which depicted the 1st arc of the premier DC New52 title ‘Justice League’, Written by Geoff Johns and Art by Jim Lee. The movie showcased the founding members facing off against Darkseid and his Apokolips forces, members are Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman.
The animated adaptation excluded Aquaman, where Shazam! replaced him, it was then explained that an Aquaman feature was in the works, fans speculated Throne of Atlantis, in turn it was confirmed at the end credits of ‘War’.
Justice League: Throne of Atlantis will continue after ‘War’ ended, where Ocean Master Orm declaring war against the surface dwellers.
Below are a few screen grabs of the latest film slated for DVD & Blu-Ray release in 2015.
Also, before the leak is put down, you can watch a 10 min short of production, enjoy!
Matt Lante starts as Aquaman, Jason O’Mara as Batman, Shermar Moore as Cyborg, Christopher Gorham as The Flash, Sean Astin as Shazam, Nathan Fillion as Green Lantern, Rosario Dawson as Wonder Woman, Jerry O’Connell as Superman, Sam Witwer as Orm and Sumalee Montano as Mera.
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Source – BleedingCool