DC Collectibles on San Diego Comic Con’14

DC Comics are set to release exclusive collectible figurines for the San Diego 2014 comic con, figurines in likes of a pose able Harley Quinn from Batman: TAS and artist Cliff Chiang’s Wonder Woman comic design. DC Collectibles will also spearhead some CW’S Arrow  figures, an action figure of  Shirtless and/or hooded Stephen Amell’s Oliver Queen, Black Canary, Slade Wilson ‘DeathStroke’ etc. Also on the line are DC’s Bombshells, and Gary Frank’s pre52 Superman.


Man of Steel statue, art from Gary Frank


Collectors and possibly gamers can rejoice,  Batman: Arkham Knight game figures are also on the list for SDCC release, it can be of some consolation as the game is posed for early 2015 release. DC Collectibles will release four exclusive Batman: Arkham Knight figures of Batman, Harley Quinn, Scarecrow and Arkham Knight (First appearance).


Batman: Arkham Knight Arkham Knight action figure


Although prices are not confirmed yet from DC, but from past releases at comic cons, these figures were priced at $59.99 each. However Diamond retailer booths are offering the Harley Quinn Batman: Arkham Knight statue for $124.95.

Don’t forget to mark your calendar on Thurday, July 24th from 10am to 11am, where we will hear more detail from DC Collectibles.


Scribblenauts Unmasked wave five figures


Also please feel free to click on the links below for more awesome figurines from DC Collectibles.

Source – ComicAlliance, SegmentNext