‘Dawn of Justice’ to Bring About Doomsday?

500px-Doomsday_006With two years left before the premiere of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and still next to nothing really known about the plot, there’s bound to be more than a few theories as to what the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel will be facing. And here’s a big one: Doomsday.


According to Bleeding Cool, their sources have described designs for the character said to be for Batman v Superman. For the uninitiated, Doomsday is the character who managed to kill Superman in the 90s, beating him to death with the whole world looking on. And the character has recently made its New 52 appearance in the crossover event “Doomed.”


What could this mean for Henry Cavill’s Superman? Surely they don’t mean to kill him in his second film, not with the upcoming Justice League and Man of Steel 2 films, both of which will most certainly have Superman in a central role. The facts surrounding this theory are vague and in no way confirmed. Let’s file this under “rumors” for now, shall we?


Source: Bleeding Cool