Two New BATMAN New 52 Series to Launch in October

In a world, where there never seems to be enough Batman related media, here comes two more comic book series to add to the list.

Batman: Arkham Manor is a new series that will be done by Gerry Duggan and Shawn Crystal. So far the only real description of this series is “stately Wayne manor [getting] made over into the local psycho dungeon” by Entertainment Weekly who announced the two series this morning.


The second series will be called Batman: Gotham Academy with Becky Cloonan and Brendan Fletcher as writers with artwork by Karl Kerschl. This series is described to be a “monthly teen drama that is set at Gotham City’s most prestigious prep school.” And to make the series even more closely related to the Dark Knight, Bruce Wayne is one of the school’s chief benefactors. It is interesting to note that the two characters involved in the preview and possible cover art are two females. If this holds up it would be great to see another female led comic series written by a female writer.


Both series come with the news that they will be in-continuity with the New 52 universe. So it will be interesting to see how the current Batman related stories lead up to these new stories coming in October. Gotham Academy will be out October 1 and Arkham Manor will be released October 22.

As soon as we get updated information on the two new Batman related series we will update this story.

So with that being said, are you excited for these two new series or are you worn out of all things Batman? Let us know what you think in the comment section.


Source: Entertainment Weekly