Batman V Superman San Diego Comic Con Reveal?

Come summer 2016, Batman v Superman; Dawn of Justice will be hitting the big screens near you, but for those who can’t wait roughly 23 months may just be in luck, there are fresh reports that the Man of Steel sequel (or standalone) team may provide fans with a trailer or footage at the 2014 San Diego comic con, according to Latino Review’s Umberto “El Mayimbe” Gonzalez, who tweeted a rumor that Warner Bros. will reveal footage from Batman v Superman next month at SDCC.




Fans are anxious for film details as we learned of a new Justice League film is the works, there are still no details on Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman outfit, Lex Luthor’s involvement in the cinematic universe and even Jason Momoa as Aquaman.

Rumors are coming in that Wonder Woman’s outfit will derive from the original character designs, stated ‘Traditional, yet sleeker’, which makes sense as Gadot will either need to seriously bulk up or the design team of BvS just roll with Gadot’s natural look, with the Lasso of Truth (Yes!!) armed with a spear, sword and shield.




She’ll have a Blue leather skirt, silver –armored cuffs that reach her elbows, golden tiara (with a design of some sort in the center, possibly the red star) and a variation of the traditional-looking red top (no word on additional armor on it).


What do you think of the new rumors circulating on Batman v Superman?

Think Gal Godot’s Wonder Woman outfit will live up to the hype?

All this and more coming soon.


Source – CapedCrusaders