Review: Futures End #2

Oh how the time flies. It seems like only yesterday I was reading issue 1 and issue 2 is already here. This is probably because I’ve been re reading Futures End #1 every night since it’s release. This issue not only continues where Batman Beyond left off but also introduces us to future versions of many fan-favourite characterDC-New-52-Futures-End-2-Spoilers-Masked-Superman-Lois-Lane-3s like Lois Lane. The most fascinating story-line however takes place at Green Arrow’s funeral. For any fans of Oliver Queen, be prepared for an emotional issue.


The funeral. I’m a huge fan of superhero funerals. When a hero dies in the line of duty, whether in real life or in the pages of a book, it has a massive impact. This issue is no exception. Animal Man’s eulogy does a great job of describing what makes Ollie great while also revealing interesting tidbits from his past. The scene does an excellent job of showcasing many characters as they appear five years later while also introducing mystery to the series. Some of that mystery includes the appearance of never before seen characters. One of the characters, who dons an american flag as his cape, even has speaking lines in the issue. Hopefully this means that the writers plan on flushing out this character more further down the road.

Artist Jesus Merino does an amazing job on interiors and draws every character uniformly, creating very cohesive imagery. Merino is an excellent choice for this book as his style is very compatible with the style of last issue’s artist Patrick Zircher. So far this series has had amazing artwork, and any fan of the series will likely appreciate that these two artist will be series regulars.

Cover Artist Ryan Sook also does an amazing job on this weeks cover, as he has every week thus far. The simple yet detailed imagery does an excellent job oDC-New-52-Futures-End-2-Spoilers-Masked-Superman-Lois-Lane-2f describing the issue while not revealing too much information. I for one have really been enjoying all aspects of the art in this series. The choice in talent for this book really shows the confidence DC must have in the series.


This issue had very few flaws. Since the series is divided amongst the 4 writers some story-lines didn’t progress as much as I would like . However with this being a weekly comic I feel like this will prevent readers from getting  impatient .


This issue once again makes me anxious for next week. The art was once again top notch and the writing continues to peak my interest. The new timeline feels really fresh while also feeling familiar.  While there wasn’t much action, there was plenty of character moments and mystery building to leave an read enthralled. I highly recommend this issue to any DC comic fan.




Gregg Hamm

Gregg Hamm

Age: 22 Favorite DC Character: Too hard to decide Favorite Comic/Story Arc: Batman: Hush Hobbies: Comics and fitness. Love playing sports as much as I can. Job/Study: Studying Nanotechnology engineering at the University of Waterloo My Inspiration: I"m inspired by many things. Whether if its from a character in a comic or a person i interact with, courage and kindness will always be inspiring.