Following DC’s Trinity War 2013 summer event, Villains Month was launched that September and debuted 3D lenticular covers to help advertise the special one-shot issues for 52 different villains taking over various titles. The low print runs left retailers heavily allocated and the demand made some of these 3D cover comics pretty valuable during the time. Now, many of their prices have reached a plateau.
One of the more memorable ones that had everyone scrambling for a copy was the overhyped Joker’s Daughter.
This September DC will launch their Five Years Later event and mark the return of DC’s 3D covers. Five Years Later will flash forward DC’s ongoing series five years into the future and tie into their upcoming weekly series Future’s End.
According to Newsarama, DC Co-Publisher Dan DiDio said the following about the covers:
“All the lenticular covers — all the Futures End stories that will be told in September — will be in the titles of the ongoing series… The covers now will also have the ability to have a ‘flicker’ effect. That means that the images change and show the transformation going on. … There is a level of change that is taking place with our characters during the course of this story.”
He goes on to say that the event itself will “give some exciting teases of potential storylines that might be coming for the characters in the future.” The Superman GIF below is one cover that was revealed and will be available in September’s Future’s End event. Here we get an example of the “flicker” effect and a little teaser for Superman’s storyline like what DiDio talked about.
Learning from the Villain’s Month complication, retailers will have to place their orders for these at the end of May. That’s about 3 months ahead of schedule and will hopefully help avoid the distribution issue this time around. Interesting to speculate what some of these covers will feature if they’re meant to portray all the DC books five years later into their future.
Source: Bleeding Cool & Newsarama