Man of Steel Film Sequel to Begin Filming This April…in Michigan?

While much of North America begins its awaited Spring thaw, plans are underway to begin filming the sequel to 2013’s Man of Steel, featuring Henry Cavill as Clark Kent/Superman and Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne/Batman this April. Interestingly, they will be filming in the city of Detroit, Michigan, famous for declaring bankruptcy last year. It also seems that filming will happen at an abandoned Girl Scouts campground in the nearby Metamora Township, were permits have been filed to erect a temporary structure for a movie set.


Director Zack Snyder must really want to put the actors through some paces, dragging them to one of the coldest places in America just as the majority of the country will begin shedding their winter wear, particularly for Los Angeles-based Cavill and Affleck. Ah, the rigors of acting–well, we know one thing for sure: there will be at least one scene in the forthcoming movie that will involve an uncomfortable amount of cold. And likely some snow as well!
