Confirmed! Vertigo’s Mark Doyle new Batman Group editor

imagesSFAFHVD6Mark Doyle currently the editor of a variety of DC Comics/Vertigo titles including AMERICAN VAMPIRE, TRILLIUM, THE WAKE and COLLIDER, will take over as the Batman Group editor from the departing Mike Marts.

Doyle has been with DC Comics since August of 2006 and is responsible for bringing Scott Snyder to the fold with American Vampire in 2009. He will stay on as editor of the Snyder penned “American Vampire” and “The Wake”. It has been rumored Doyle will not make the move to Burbank, CA when DC Comics moves it’s New York offices in April 2015….Time will tell.

“Thrilled” doesn’t do justice to how thrilled I really am in welcoming @doyle_dcvertigo to Gotham as Batman group editor. Mark is not only responsible for bringing me to DC via American Vampire (of which he’s the editor), but he’s edited the Wake, and some of my favorite books of past few years, from Sweet Tooth and Trillium on. I show him everything I write, from Batman and Superman, and there’s no one I trust more when it comes to story. He is easily one of the best editors I’ve worked with in my life, in comics and print. He’s also a trusted friend, and someone who cares deeply about Gotham and its heroes (and yes, its villains, too)”

Bottom line: I loved working under @mikemarts – he brought Gotham to new heights. We have terrific editorial talent in Gotham – @katiekubert, @darrenkshan, @rgluckst… And now with Mark at the helm, I believe – or rather, I KNOW, having heard some of Mark’s plans (and they are daring plans)- that this coming year will be as exciting and fresh as possible for bat-fans. Gotham couldn’t be in better hands for Batman’s 75th!

So get ready to be inspired, and then go give Mark a big Gotham welcome. It’s strangely sunny in Gotham today.

Source: Scott Snyder Twitter ‏@Ssnyder1835

Thomas ODonnell

Thomas ODonnell

My love of comics started at the age of 5, when visions of mythic beings fought their way across my TV screen. Batman '66, Super Friends, Wonder Woman, and Superman '78 filled my early childhood with imagination and adventure. Soon enough I found the spinner rack! Batman, Justice League and DC's Who's Who kept me coming back for more. I've seen the death of hope, justice broken, a light extinguished, and a universe torn! A kingdom come, the lightning return, a triumph of evil and a multiverse reborn!