Review: Teen Titans #27

Scott Lobdell, Scott McDaniel, and Tyler Kirkham are giving it their all in Teen Titans #27. With less than three issues left to go, the fate of Kid Flash is still to be determined. Tried for his crimes in the future or freed from his deeds in the past. All will be revealed in coming issues.


Solstice devulges more of her past and the origin of her powers, Kid Flash can’t make up his mind if he’s evil, misunderstood, or a jokester. Tyler Kirkham’s art is always a joy to see. Honestly, Lobdell and McDaniel are doing their best here to salvage what little credibility the Teen Titans title has carried since launch. All in all, what makes these final moments of the Teen Titans good is the risks that are being taken with the source material.



A Kid Flash led rebellion? Hell yes, sign me up. Granted, Lobdell isn’t exactly any one’s favorite it’s still a nice story to be read. Will these incarnations of these characters be around in the future or will DC soft boot it like Lemire’s Green Arrow run? Who knows, but everything aside and cynicism buried, this is a very fun arc that should have took precedence.



Aside from the corny dialogue there were times that Kirkham’s art would fluctuate from being half finished to his usual par.

Rating: 4/5


The book is not DC’s best but the climax of Kid Flash’s past is keeping us hooked to eventful end of the title. Tyler Kirkham’s art is always a joy to behold along with the wonderful ink of Art Thibert and of course we have to call out the cheesey villainous Superboy thought bubbles. May they continue to break the readers tension.