Review: The Flash #27

Brian Buccellato and Patrick Zircher are bringing the murder mystery back to Central City in The Flash #27, but this ain’t your typical Sherlock criminal drama. Barry Allen smells a lead on his mother’s killer which strains his relationship with his father and Captain Frye. Will the revelations lead to his father’s salvation or is there a bigger game under foot?


Wow, I’ve always had faith in Buccellato picking up where Manapul left off but not like this! Right into it we have a hook driving us further into Barry Allen’s past with skeletons in the passenger seats. It’s clear that once this arc’s over Barry Allen might uncover some unsettling news pertaining to his family. Already Captain Frye is tip-toeing the edge between ‘loving guardian’ and possible motive to his mother’s murder. Then there’s the history between Captain Frye and Barry Allen’s mother, ai ya! Allen storms out of the room as Captain Frye’s about to give a ‘history lesson.’

Chroma and Tar Pit really need their own dysfunctional, character development books that are growing in popularity since Mat Fraction’s amazing Hawkeye came out. The fight between the two and Flash is simply hilarious, Patrick Zircher does an amazing job. His art work bears some similarities to David Finch and I think that’s what really grabs me. The way both render emotions and eyes, how ‘human’ he pencils the Flash though he’s essentially an Olympian god, it’s just beautiful.

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I really don’t have anything to say negative about this. Maybe the opening was a bit slow… Other than that, this is a must read for any Flash fan.

Well, maybe that Chroma squeals like a sponge.
Well, maybe that Chroma squeals like a sponge.


Rating: 5/5

Should fans buy this book? Yes. Should fans continue to follow Flash with Buccellato and Zircher manning the helm? Yes.
There is really little to like in this book, I will comment that I dreadfully miss Francis Manapul’s amazing airy style from his run, but Zircher is coming into his own right and is doing a fantastic job! Buy it. Read it. Love it.