Batman vs. Superman MoS Sequel On Schedule

The week prior Warner Bros announced they were pushing back the Man of Steel sequel “Batman vs. Superman” until May 6th, 2016. Quoted from they “said that Zack Snyder and crew needed more time to ‘realize fully their vision, given the complex visual nature of the story’. “


Sad right? But there’s a golden lining to this because apparently the movie is BACK on schedule. Reported by Deadline, Ben Affleck, aka Bruce Wayne, aka The Batman, dropped out of a directing spot to due Batman vs. Superman not being delayed. In fact Affleck and the starring cast are “needed to start working on it right away.”Right away.’ Do you feel that DC-denizens? It’s the wind of sweet victory and it sings the ballad of an epic clash we’ve all dreamed.

Filming begins this February, get ready for a slew of leaked photos in the coming future.
