Wonder Woman #27 Review – The Unsettling Son

The effects of Strife’s interference begin to take shape as Diana takes on Moon after finding Hera in tears, abandoned by Zola. Elsewhere, Apollo continues his attempted breaking of the First Born, while Zola learns that pigs are used to mine truffles, and Cassandra come one step closer to finding Baby Zeke. Brian Azzarello continues his epic run rejoined by artist Cliff Chiang.



Regardless of what happens in terms of plot, Wonder Woman doesn’t look any better than when Cliff Chiang is providing the art. The story flows beautifully from panel to panel such that readers can understand the plot without reading a single block of text.

Furthermore, Chiang’s artwork allows the unique personalities of each character to shine through. The emotional weight on Diana’s shoulders are evident in the opening pages. The decision to draw her from an upward angle further lends credence to the burdens she has carried throughout the entirety of this series. Likewise, the sadistic grin on the First Born’s face perfectly encapsulates the psyche of this character. Though this may not be a good jumping on point, a new reader can pick this up and understand exactly who the First Born is from Chiang’s depiction.

Once again, Azzarello’s script delivers, weaving subtle elements of humor throughout a bleak narrative. It’s easy to revel in the hilarity of the issue’s closing chapters, only to be silenced with the revelation of what’s to come next. It’s clear that the groundwork is being laid for something big; as to what that is, Azzarello is keeping his cards close to the chest.



Once more, Azzarello falls into the same trap that has plagued this series since its launch: writing for the trade release. Throughout the issue, he is juggling multiple plotlines without settling on one that can serve as the backbone of the issue. The result is minimal progression of any of the issue’s the storylines. These single issues will undoubtedly read well in collected form, but from the perspective of a monthly reader, this issue has stalled the forward momentum.


Verdict (4/5)

Wonder Woman #27 is an average issue in DC’s arguably best series, meaning it’s still pretty good. The return of Cliff Chiang on art duties is a sight for sore eyes, as readers are reminded why he is one of best in the business. On the writing side, Brian Azzarello delivers a strong script, which is unfortunately too evenly divided among the multiple plotlines, slowing down the overarching story to a snail’s pace. Regardless, Wonder Woman #27 is a quality read on the whole.

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