Tom Taylor on Injustice Year One

Tom Taylor sat down with Comic Vine to discuss his run on the hit tie-in comic to the Injustice Gods Among Us videogame. He spoke about the controversial moments, the out of character moments and the dramatic ones.

One of the controversial moments in the book Taylor discussed is that as a homage to the classic Batman Knightfall arc where Bane broke the Bat, Superman had to eliminate Batman as a threat. Taylor also stated: As far as Alfred, the manner of that changed a few times in my head but I knew it was always going to be Alfred, essentially Batman’s father, who would deal that blow. I set it up very early on in a brief exchange with Alfred and Superman. And, as soon as I thought of him head-butting Superman, I couldn’t stop grinning. I figured readers would be too, once they read it. I thought Mike S Miller captured it absolutely perfectly too. 

He also discussed that characters like Wonder Woman are acting out of character in the stories in contrast to her good-natured persona in regular continuity. This was not a Greg Rucka Wonder Woman, a Gail Simone Wonder Woman, a George Perez Wonder Woman, this was something so cold and violent, an almost Lady-Macbeth character to Superman, that she was barely recognizable to me….I decided I couldn’t bring her character to that point, so I simply accepted that this was another universe, and in this universe, she’s a very different person. It’s important to remember that things are different in the Injustice universe. This is a universe where Lex Luthor is a hero.

One of  Tom Taylor’s favorite stories he had written as part of the arc is the interaction between Green Arrow and Harley Quinn. He also tries to invest himself in every character he have an opportunity to write about and give the audience the stories about them.

You can read the entire interview here

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Source: Comic Vine