RUMOR: Wonder Woman To Appear in ‘Batman Vs. Superman’? WB Exec Speaks

With addition of Batman to the Zack Snyder helmed “Man of Steel” sequel, rumors quickly started swirling about the inclusion of the final piece of the Trinity: Wonder Woman.


Greg Silverman, Warner Bros.’ president of creative development and worldwide production, addressed the rumor Monday at the Variety Entertainment & Tech Summit.

When asked if the film could potentially include any other DC superheroes, he responded with this:

“We have been doing a lot of thinking for years about how to best use all those characters and we love them,” Silverman said. “Wonder Woman is an amazing character. I think it’s a great opportunity both for box office success, but also to have an amazingly powerful female superhero.”

“We are taking it all very seriously and are trying to do a plan that’s respectful to those characters and maximizes the stories as best they can,” Silverman continued.

Mr. Silverman also addressed the controversial casting of Ben Affleck as Batman in the sequel, saying:

“We knew going in that we had more information than the general public had,”

“We knew what the take of the movie was, we knew what the character was going to be. We don’t take these decisions lightly. We thought about everybody — brand new people, established people. Ben is the perfect guy to play this role.”

On a final note, Mr. Silverman left fans with a ray of hope for the sequel:

“They’ve crafted a great story,” he said. “I mean, this is where it all comes from for us. It’s just a great story that involves these amazing characters.”

The still untitled “Man of Steel” sequel – directed by Zack Snyder and written by David Goyer, releases summer of 2015.

What do you guys think? Would you like to see Diana of Themyscira included in the sequel? Or would you prefer the character get her own movie first? Comment down below and like us on Facebook and follow our Twitter@DCComicsNews!

Source: Variety