PREVIEWS: Batman Beyond Universe #3

Fans appear to be loving the relaunched Batman Beyond Universe and Justice League Beyond 2.0 in digital format. This week, the 3rd issue is printed collecting the digital series. A lot has happened in both series, like including the extended Batman Family, new villains in Batman Beyond, and blast from the pasts in Justice League Beyond.  What will fans of think of the printed collection? Here is a preview of the 3rd issue out this week.

In Batman Beyond Universe #3, Superman journeys into the mists of the Phantom Zone, as the rest of the Justice League squares off against an army of rogue Superman robots. Plus, who is the powerful and mysterious Rewire? And what twisted plans does he have for Batman?

Batman Beyond Universe #3 is written by Kyle Higgins & Christos Gage with art by Thony Silas & Iban Coello. The cover art is by Rafael Albuquerque. Batman Beyond Universe #3 is scheduled to be released in comic book stores on Wednesday, October 16, 2013.

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Source: Comic Book