NYCC – Panel Report – DC Entertainment – All Access

The DC Entertainment – All Access Panel took place today at NYCC. Below is the official listing from the program.

1:30-2:30pm DC Entertainment – All Access
DCE Panelist(s): Bobbie Chase, Bob Harras
Moderator(s): John Cunningham
Lee Bermejo, Derek Fridolfs, Kyle Higgins, Dustin Nguyen, Scott Snyder

At DC Entertainment, there’s never been a better time to be a comics fan!  Come to this All Access panel and find out what our top talent across DC Comics, Vertigo, and DC Digital has been up to! Room 1E (2000 seats, panel streamed)

Below are the highlights from the Panel!

* If you are getting the book in print and wonder why you are always reading about the wrong holiday… then you should be reading the digital version!

* Scott Snyder had some things to say about Zero Year and issue #24 specifically.

“We wanted [speaking of issue #24] to be the issue where he’s reintroduced into [Gotham City] in ways that are bombastic and colorful”

“I hope you see that we’re trying really hard to give you something that’s special in terms of an origin that’s very much about now, and looks different than anything you’ve seen before”

* Scott Snyder talked about The Wake and said that issue #5 is the close of the first half of the story

* Scott Snyder also talked about American Vampire and said that they are going to jump 10 years into the future into the 1960’s and that the characters will find themselves in places you would not expect.

* Kyle Higgins says that he is allowed to push the Batman Beyond universe in any way that he likes

* Kyle Higgins also talked about his work on Nightwing and says that moving him to Chicago is so that he can have a city that he calls home. He also says that the Nightwing Zero Year tie in will be a type of Fairy Tale

* A fan asked the “Where is Stephanie Brown” question and Scott Snyder asked the fan to ask the same question later in the day at the Batman panel.

* When Kyle Higgins was asked about how the unveiling of Nightwing’s secret identity in  Forever Evil will effect him he answers ” Stay Tuned”

* Scott Snyder promises the “Biggest and Craziest story for Batman’s 75th next year.