Ohio’s Superman license plate debuts on Monday


A press conference will be held Monday in Cleveland outside the childhood home of Jerry Siegel to debut Ohio’s Superman license plates, in time for the character’s 75th anniversary.

According to The Plain Dealer, State Rep. Bill Patmon will appear alongside members of the Siegel & Shuster Society board outside the Glenville neighborhood house where teenagers Siegel and Joe Shuster created the Man of Steel.


The more than two-year campaign behind the plate ran into a couple of significant obstacles, beginning with objections by DC Comics and Warner Bros. to the proposed slogan “Birthplace of Superman” — he was born on Krypton, they insisted — and then the twists and turns of the legislative process. The plate received authorization only after Patmon inserted legislation into the state budget.

The plate, which features the iconic Superman “S” emblem and the slogan “Truth, Justice & the American Way,” will cost $20 in addition to the regular registration fee of $34.50 plus local taxes. If you want to exchange your current Ohio plate for the Superman plate, it’ll cost $20, plus an $11.75 replacement fee and a $4.50 replacement sticker fee. A portion of the $20 will benefit the Siegel & Shuster Society.


Source: comicbookresources.com


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