Crowdfunding Campaign Offers Unique DC Perks

DC Comics has launched a new crowdfunding campaign as part of their “We Can Be Heroes” initiative. The goal is to help raise money to fight the hunger crisis in the Horn of Africa. The campaign will run from now through October 28th. Fans can receive different DC perks based on their donation amount. Each week the perks will focus on different superheroes.

Here is the schedule:

Week of September 17th: Justice League
Week of September 24th: Wonder Woman
Week of October 1st: Green Lantern / Green Arrow
Week of October 8th: The Flash / Aquaman / Cyborg
Week of October 15th: Batman / Superman
Week of October 22nd: Justice League

This week the available perks range from six digital downloads of the complete Trinity War series to a Forever Evil 3D variant signed by Geoff Johns. If you have $3,000 to spend, you can earn 2 New York Comic Con passes with a VIP lunch with Amanda Connor, Jimmy Palmiotti, Dan Didio and Bob Harras.

At the time of this article, over $11,000 has been donated. Watch the video below for more details. You can see all the available perks and make donations at


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Source: DC Comics