Harley Quinn’s Art Audition

As you already know, Harley Quinn #0 is set to debut in November of this year. The issue would also feature art by various artists such as Bruce Timm (one of Harley’s creators from the DCAU), Amanda Conner (Power Girl, Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre), Paul Pope to name a few. The issue will feature a ‘talent’ search in which Harley can pick for to be the ongoing artist of her own comic. Jim Lee and Dan Didio announced that DC Comics is holding a talent search in which artists can participate to draw one page of the issue.

“Beginning this November, Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner will be writing the madcap adventures of Harley Quinn and they’ll need all the help they can get to handle her, so they’re opening the invitation to one undiscovered talent to join them. If you think you’ve got what it takes to be published in this special issue, then put on your working hat and start drawing now, because an opportunity like this doesn’t come along very often. Submissions can be Pencils, Pencils & inks or Pencils, inks & colors. Please keep in mind, the level of your work should be of professional-quality, so don’t feel the need to ink or color your work if you’re only confident in penciling.” 

For more information go to DC Talent Search

Which artist would you like to have draw the comic? Sound off in the comments below and like us on Facebook and follow our Twitter @DCComicsNews!

Source: DC Comics