The Mysterious Identity of The New Reverse Flash Revealed [SPOILERS!]

Just like to take the time to repeat [SPOILERS!], now, just to be safe and make sure you don’t get spoiled we’ll throw up a Francis Manapul spread for the people who accidentally clicked on this.



Good stuff.

Now, you’ve all been given ample time to eject so here it is…

The Reverse Flash is…Daniel West! If that name doesn’t sound familiar to you, don’t worry, you’re not alone.

For those of you who don’t know Daniel West is a new character who has been introduced in The New 52 as Iris West’s brother who apparently has a very shady past and was imprisoned for a number of years.

This may come as a shock to many of you who are used to Eobard Thawne, Hunter Zolomon, Edward Clariss, or even Thaddeus Thawne as the typical “Reverse-Flash” or “Professor Zoom”. This will be a completely new villain with new motivations and a backstory that will be explored in the coming months;

In THE FLASH #23.2: REVERSE-FLASH, learn the tragic backstory behind how Daniel West turned into the villain he is today. You’ll also learn a lot about his sister, Iris, and how their relationship has impacted Daniel. The issue will also set up how THE FLASH #25 will be a tie-in for BATMAN: ZERO YEAR by giving readers a first look at how and why Iris ends up in Gotham City.

The Reverse-Flash arc wraps up in next month’s issue #24 and this one-shot completely sets the stage for this grand finale. You’ll learn the full scope of Daniel’s mission and how he plans to achieve it. Told through various jumps in time all the way from Daniel’s origin to the present day, this issue is written by Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato and illustrated by guest artist Scott Hepburn (who shares a studio with Manapul!).

Along with some gorgeous pieces of art from Francis this new Reverse-Flash seems to be shaping up to be a great new villain who will be enjoyed by Flash fans both old and new.




Are you looking forward to learning more about the new Reverse-Flash?

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Source: DCComics