The Flash #23 Review: Reverse Revelations

With all the questions surrounding the Speed Force Killer, what’s up with Iris? As The Flash speeds onto shelves, check out the DCN Review!

You know what’s better than a cup of coffee in the morning?  Reading The Flash #23.  Brian Buccellato and Francis Manapul have managed to cook up another chapter of their Reverse arc that gets the reader’s blood pumping.  This issue is filled with revelations, finally answering the questions many readers have had for months.


flash 23dOnce again, The Flash is one of the best looking titles being published. Manapul’s pencils are sublime, from the gorgeous title page, to the quiet moments with Patty and Iris, to the battle of speedsters across Central City.  It all looks incredible.  Not only are the pencils amazing, but so are the layouts.  While some of the double page spreads are not going to look as good in print due to staples and such, they are fantastic in digital format.

flash 23eThis issue has writing worthy of art this good.  While the previous installments built up the mystery surrounding the Speed Force Killer, Buccellato and Manapul take the gloves off and deliver a high-octane thrill ride that stretches across Central City.  But the writers prove that you can have an action-packed issue of The Flash that satisfies those with cravings for plot developments.  The biggest draw is the reveal of who the Speed Force Killer is.  While I was not totally surprised by the reveal, this confirmation lead to a host of other questions that has me itching for answers.


The reveal of the Speed Force Killer’s identity was not entirely surprising. Also, having read this issue in both print and digital, the print version suffers due to abundance of double-page spreads–even if they do look amazing.

Verdict Rating5 (5/5)

Chalk this up as another excellent issue of The Flash. Buccellato and Manapul have crafted another fine issue full of twists and turns that keeps the reader engaged with every turn of the page.  Fun, exciting, and full of heart, The Flash continues to run at the front of the pack.

flash 23a

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