Andy Kubert Talks About DAMIAN: SON OF BATMAN

Ever since Damian’s death in Batman Incorporated #8 fans have been clamoring to see more of their favorite Robin.

This October Andy Kubert will unveil the four-issue miniseries Damian: Son of Batman, an alternate future storyline where Damian dons the cowl. Originally appearing in Grant Morrison’s Batman #666 Kubert has had this series planned since 2008, around the time Damian was first introduced.

He recently sat down with Newsarama to talk about some of the details of the upcoming series.DAMIAN_SOBM_Cv1

When asked if Damian’s death was surprise, Kubert replied, Even though I co-created him, I knew a long time before “Requiem” that he was going to get killed off. It didn’t bother me…he’s not real! And I thought Grant and Chris Burnham did a great job with the way his death was depicted.” He also went on to explain how the characters death in no way interfere’s with his upcoming alt-future story.

Even though the universe has been rebooted since Kubert and Morrison first envisioned Batman #666 – Kubert assures fans that he is indeed using “Grant’s vision” to tell his story, and that fans can expect a “darker and grittier” Gotham, though the story isn’t limited only to the city. “There are some other locales that are necessary to tell the story, but it’s mostly Gotham based.”

When asked about his artistic technique at pencilling the upcoming series, Mr. Kubert had this to say:

“With this series, I’m using a combination of ink, ink wash, pencil and whiteout to achieve not only a look, but I’m trying to direct the reader’s eye through the panels using contrast. That means I’m trying to get the reader to look first at where I want them to look first, and then let their eyes drift over the panels and look at all the other stuff. There’s a lot of thought that goes into each and every panel.”

Mr. Kubert is clearly excited to be writing and pencilling the upcoming series and had this say as his parting words for fans:

DSOBM_Cv22“As I see the finished color work come in, and get to go back and forth with finalizing the dialogue with Editor Mike Marts and Associate Editor (and niece) Katie Kubert, I couldn’t be happier with the effort that everyone is putting into this project. I just saw the cover designs incorporated with the logo and it looks great! We are all trying our very best. And I think it will show in the final product.”



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Source: Newsarama