PREVIEWS: Nightwing #23 World Turned Upside Down

The title of this issue is quite appropriate right now for Nightwing.  First for this arc, there was a change in artist from Brett Booth to Will Conrad which brought a new Nightwing look for the New 52.  Next was Nightwing‘s move to Chicago along with the pursuit of Tony Zucco and new characters introduced like Prankster.  Finally, this will be the issue that leads into Villains Month, and a couple of teases of something happening to Nightwing in Forever Evil which Geoff Johns usually has big things happen in the 1st issue of his DC Comics crossover.  How will this issue play out, and what hints at the end will we get about Nightwing’s fate with the recent revealed “big bad” of Forever Evil in the Crime Syndicate?

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