Zod Arrives In The New 52 And In Superman Earth One!

According to DC’s What’s New In The New 52, General Zod will be popping up frequently over the next little while.

Here’s what DC’s Bob Harras had to say about Zod’s appearances

This fall, kneel before Zod!

In his Villains Month one-shot, Zod’s origin will be revealed. Not only will you see the infamous Superman villain in his New 52 debut, but you’ll also see him at an early age on an abandoned island and fighting monsters following his parents’ death. It’s Jor-El who acts as Zod’s ticket off the island, and the brotherly alliance they form is something that will be explored. It’s also something that might be the catalyst of some of the friction between Jor-El and Zor-El …

Then, in this fall’s SUPERMAN/WONDER WOMAN, fans can look forward to Zod taking on the role of the series’ first major villain. As for Doomsday? There’s a connection there too, but I won’t say anything more about that just yet.

And just because it’s San Diego Comic Con weekend, here’s another treat for you. Zod will be popping up in the pages of the upcoming original graphic novel, SUPERMAN: EARTH ONE, VOLUME 3. But why he’ll be coming after Kal from Krypton remains a mystery … for now.

In the gallery above, check out the designs for General Zod by Kenneth Rocafort for his appearances in the New 52, as well as Ardian Syaf’s designs for SUPERMAN: EARTH ONE, VOLUME 3.

Zod By Kenneth Rocafort


Zod by Ardian Syaf (Earth One)

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Source: DC



Z is pretty much a guy who fancies himself some comics. Batman, Green Lantern, Superman, it dosen't matter. We don't know much about Z, but he seems like a cool guy.