SDCC Panel Report – DC Comics: My Secret Origin, or How I Broke into Comics

The DC Comics: My Secret Origin, or How I Broke into Comics panel took place this year in San Diego this year. Below is the official listing from the program.

DC Comics: My Secret Origin, or How I Broke into Comics
Friday July 19, 2013 10:00am – 11:00am (Room 6DE)

The comics industry can be tough to break into. Get an inside look at how some of DC Entertainment’s top talent made their careers crafting the tales of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and others. With Greg Capullo (Batman), Bernard Chang (Green Lantern Corps), Jim Lee (Superman: Unchained), Jimmy Palmiotti (All-Star Western, Batwing), Gail Simone (Batgirl, The Movement), Scott Snyder (American Vampire, Batman, Superman: Unchained), and others.

Below is a in depth look at the panel from DC Comics

“Here on the panel: Greg Capullo (Batman), Bernard Chang (Green Lantern Corps), Jim Lee (Superman: Unchained), Jimmy Palmiotti (All-Star Western, Batwing), Gail Simone (Batgirl,The Movement), Scott Snyder (American Vampire, Batman, Superman: Unchained) and Amanda Conner.

Bob Wayne is acting as a moderator and asks the crowd who is excited to break into comics. The crowd cheers!

Starting with Scott Snyder, he talks about how he wanted to be a comic book artist growing up. He majored in writing in college. One of his first books was actually about a comic book writer. He throughly enjoys reading and writing comics.

“I pitched American Vampire and never looked back” – Scott Snyder

Now up, Gail SImone! She talks about her young imagination. She knew she had to do something creative in her life. Her first professional gig was in Simpsons, now she works on Birds of Prey. Are you reading that series?

Jimmy now tells his story of drawing trains in Coney Island in 10th grade. He started inking the next year and moved into advertising at college. He knew he didn’t want to stay in ads and had an itch to get back into comics. It took him awhile to break into comics but he’s “been loving it ever since”.

Greg Capullo talks about drawing superheroes on his exams in school. Him and his rival would compete to draw the best superhero in high school. He spent a year and took practicing seriously and constantly asked other for pointers.

“They sugarcoat things because they don’t want to crush you.” – Greg Capullo

Now up, Jim Lee! He starts off by telling the audience how he learned English from comics. He would hid his comics from his parents that encouraged him to become a doctor. He wouldn’t give up on his passion though, he knew it was a “driving passion”.

In the Summer of ’86 he set up a drawing table next to his bed and cranked out drawings. He took them to a little known show and has been working in comics ever since.

Did you know Amanda Conner went to Joe Kubert school? She got a job apprenticing and working at a comic books store. She showed off her work to DC six times! On the sixth time, she got a story but didn’t get enough work so she went into advertising. Realized she didn’t enjoy it, went back to comics and haven’t looked back.

Last up, Bernard Chang. He got his break at #DCSDCC 20 years ago! He got a mentor that told him about the business of comics. “Back then it was a different culture, these days you don’t see guys carrying the portfolios.” He says no matter how many rejections you get, pursue your dreams and follow through.”

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Source : DC Comics