The Movement has had a great start. There have been two issues of introductions and exposition, but will the third issue of this comic written by Gail Simone and penciled by Freddie Williams II start bringing more to the table? Taking a look at just the first five pages, readers can see they are in for a beautifully drawn, intense ride.
The Good
The book opens with Katharsis taking a beating from Coral City’s finest. Although she puts up a good fight, the numbers prove to be too much for her, and she is subdued. During all of this, one of the best moments of the issue occurs. A simple chain of thought boxes gives the reader more of a taste of who Katharsis is than the previous two issues combined. “Beat us, jail us, execute us. We know the balance of power is shifting. We’re not afraid, office. But you’re going to be. I guarantee it.” A bloody scowl dresses her face as she defiantly prepares to take more.
The rest of the team is taking on Rainmaker, and for the first time in the series, I feel something because of Mouse. As Rascal (apparently his “favorite” mouse) is pulled into Rainmaker’s vortex of weather-y death, the pain drawn into his face and body is palpable. The way Captain Meers is depicted as your stereotypical angry, corrupt, one-dimensional cop appears to be intentional, and it actually works really well.
The Bad
While Vengeance Moth’s appearance (bringing the food to our captive officers was a nice change of pace), it seemed weak compared to the rest of the issue. It seems like the main reason she has been drawn as handicapped is as a nod to DC fans who are upset that Barbara Gordon is no longer Oracle.
It also appears that the only time she is involved in the story is when Simone wants to hit us over the head with the recurring theme where the reader is asked if the ends truly do justify the means. This can be a particularly strong theme, and it can be done very poorly. The reader is walloped with it over and over in an attempt to come across as deep.
The cop asking who is more merciful is insulting to the reader’s intelligence. Don’t tell me, show me. Katharsis is the perfect example of not being told, but being shown. Simone doesn’t simply say “she’s the badass of the group” and then just have her stick with the team, Katharsis walks out on them, takes a licking from the boys in blue, and still refuses to talk.
The Cornea Killer really doesn’t do anything for me. He is an afterthought in the story, and his injection into this issue comes across as forced and, in the end, a bit pointless.
The final page, which has about 30 characters drawn into it, could use a little work. The idea is strong, but the art seems rushed. This is particularly disappointing since the rest of the art is so strong throughout the issue.
Once again, The Movement comes across as very strong. The idea behind the comic is great and feels a bit unique for a mainstream comic. A breath of fresh air is always welcome, as long as it is done right, and so far The Movement has been firing on most cylinders.