Preview: Batman #22 Zero Year Part 2

Part 2 of Zero Year is already here. Part 1 gave us some new insight in the transition of Bruce Wayne to Batman including the Red Hood Gang that was teased in issue #0.  More Easter Eggs were in part 1 including Edward Nigma aka The Riddler, the Robin symbol on Bruce‘s hat, and new family members introduced.  The preview of part 2 includes Penguin and numbering the Red Hood Gang with hints of the classic Red Hood stories of Joker’s origin.  Future solicits and news has revealed that there will be tie-ins to Zero Year and more excitement with the Red Hood Gang and their mysterious leader.  Writer Scott Snyder and artist Greg Capullo have made Batman the top book in the New 52, and their team is making Zero Year exciting.  To add to the excitement, the variant covers so far are definitely exciting as well.  Here is the preview that has Penguin find out something about the Red Hoods’ hood.

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