Here is a look back for what happened in the month of July in DC Comics history:
- 2011:
July 19: Stage show Batman Live premiers in Manchester Evening News Arena
- 5 years ago in 2008:
The Dark Knight takes in a record $155.34 million in its opening weekend, topping the previous best of $151.1 million for Spider-Man 3 in May 2007.
Wildstorm’s World’s End event begins in the aftermath of Number of the Beast.
July 17: Creig Flessel, a Golden Age artist known for his work on Sandman and the Shining Knight, dies at age 96.
- 20 years ago in 1993:
DC Comics releases Batman #500, in which Azrael becomes the new Batman.
- 25 years ago in 1988:
Tales of the Teen Titans is canceled by DC with issue #91.
The Weird debuted with Writer: Jim Starlin. Artist: Bernie Wrightson.
- 30 years ago in 1983:
First issue of Frank Miller’s Ronin limited series published by DC Comics.
With issue #200, DC publishes the final issue of The Brave and the Bold, which also features a preview insert for the new title Batman and the Outsiders
Batman and The Outsiders starts with Writer: Mike W. Barr. Artist: Jim Aparo.
Felicity debuted in Omega Men #4
- 35 years ago in 1978:
DC Comics Presents debuts with Writer: Martin Pasko. Artists: José Luis García-López and Dan Adkins.
Challengers of the Unknown cancelled with issue #87
Freedom Fighters cancelled with issue #15
Karate Kid cancelled with issue #15 )
Return of The New Gods cancelled with issue #19
Secret Society of Super Villains cancelled with issue #15
- 40 years ago in 1973:
Detective Comics, with issue #435 begins a bimonthly schedule
Doom Patrol vol 1. Cancelled with issue #125
Black Orchid debuted in Adventure Comics #428
- 45 years ago in 1968:
Cain debuts in House of Mystery #175
- 50 years ago in 1963:
Young Love #38 final issue published by Prize Comics; title sold to and continued by DC Comics
Young Romance #124 final issue published by Prize Comics; title sold to and continued by DC Comics
- 55 years ago in 1958:
Brainiac debuted in Action Comics #242
Finally from the 1976 DC Comics Calender for July 1976:
- 2: Birthday of Tawky Tawny (Mr. Tawny), the talking tiger
- 4: Uncle Sam’s Birthday (U.S. Independence Day)
- 5: Birthday of Steve Lombard, WGBS sportscaster
- 6: Mary Batson becomes Mary Marvel
- 7: Birthday of the JSA’s Johnny Thunder
- 8: Ma and Pa Kent made younger by elixir from another dimension
- 9: Birthday of Ray Palmer (The Atom II)
- 10: Birthday of Drake Burroughs (Wildfire)
- 11: Escaping from Batman, Red Hood swims through chemical wastes. They dye his skin and hair — he becomes the Joker
- 13: Supergirl meets Comet, the Super-Horse
- 15: Murder of John & Mary Grayson (Robin’s parents) [Pre-Crisis version; Halloween in Post-Crisis version; June 27 in Post-Zero Hour version]
- 16: First meeting of the Justice Society of America (1940) [Pre-Crisis version; November 22 for Post-Crisis version]
- 17: Birthday of Lana Lang, Superboy’s girlfriend
- 19: Ted Grant, suspected of murder, becomes Wildcat to clear himself
- 20: Birthday of Al Desmond (formerly Mr. Element and Dr. Alchemy)
” : Birthdays of Jennie-Lynn Hayden (Jade) and Todd Rice (Obsidian) - 21: Birthday of Staq Mavlen (Fire Lad) of Legion of Substitute Heroes
- 22: Justice League of America organized
- 23: Jim Corrigan murdered — he becomes the Spectre
- 25: Birthday of Lucy Lane, Lois’s sister
- 26: Birthday of Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot (The Penguin)
- 27: Luthor creates first adult Bizarro
- 28: Batman’s first clash with the Catwoman
- 29: Ray Palmer first uses his dwarf star power to become the Atom
- 31: Birthday of Sgt. Frank Rock of Easy Company (1917)
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Source: Wikipedia & DC Calendar