DC Comics Has 3 Best Selling Comics of June

DC Comics had the three best single issue sales in the month of June! The number one selling comic of the month was the new title Superman Unchained which features writer Scott Snyder and artist Jim Lee. The 2nd best selling comic of the month was Batman/Superman #1 with writer Greg Pak with art by Jim Lee. Coming into the number three slot was Batman #21 written by Scott Snyder with art by Greg Capullo.


Scott Snyder and Jim Lee appear to be leading this rampage at the top of the charts with both of them featured in 2 of the 3 books.

Here is the full story as reported by Bleeding Cool


“Marvel Comics maintained their marketshare in the direct market in June, slipping on dollars spent down from 33.36% to 32.77%, but putting on share of comics sold, from 37.44% to 38.29%.

DC’s dollar share rose from 28.27% to 29.57% share while their share of comics sold is also rose from 30.84% to 32.03%.

The launch of the $4.99 Superman Unchained and Batman/Superman seems to have made a bit of a difference. with Batman #21′s Zero Hour coming third, all beating Age Of Ultron‘s final issues.

Image Comics’ marketshare has risen slightly, with dollar share rising from 7.48% to 8.77%, with comics sold rising from 8.11% to 8.31%.

DC still have four of the top ten titles, though they are slightly higher up this month…

Sales in the four-week June as slightly lower than in the five-week May, but overall comic book sales are still up.

Walking Dead takes the top graphic novel spot, with Saga and Adventure Time close behind.”


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Source : Bleeding Cool