Wayne Enterprises Easter Egg in “Man of Steel” Confirmed

After an onslaught of rumors about what heroes will be hinted at in this summer’s Man of Steel, director Zack Snyder has finally mademan-of-steel-easter-egg-small a revelation that will have fans drooling.

“The Wayne Enterprises logo is on a satellite that Zod destroys,” Snyder told Collider. When asked whether Batman would make an appearance in the expected Man of Steel sequel, he was not as candid. “I don’t know. Everything is interesting at this point, and don’t forget that Lex [Luther] is out there, doing who knows what.”

It’s almost guaranteed that we won’t be seeing Christopher Nolan’s Batman in any future films in the DC Universe, since Nolan has repeated many times that his Batman story is over. However, this Easter egg at least opens the possibility of an Avengers-style shared universe of heroes. Plans for the DC Cinematic Universe hinge on the success of Man of Steel, but it looks like there may be seeds being planted for the Holy Grail of comic book films, Justice League.