DC Comics: June is ‘Superman Month’

Superman Month

June marks the 75th year of Superman’s existence when he first appeared in Action Comics No. 1, a 13-page publication by Siegel and Shuster, in 1938. It signalled the first superhero genre in the history of comic books.

Action Comics 1

In addition, it is known to be the most valuable comic book since time immemorial, having sold $2 million worth copies until 2011. Conscious decision or coincidence, June also marks the release of the much anticipated Man of Steel feature film.

Starting June 3, DC Comics will be featuring Superman up to the last day of the month.

What can we expect from DC Comics this June? According to DC representative Tim Beedle:

It could be an exclusive article on Man of Steel, a sneak peek at the upcoming Superman: Unchained comic book from Scott Snyder and Jim Lee, a free digital comic download, a look at Superman in animation, a first SM75_Vert_Preferred_Color_FINAL_1look or giveaway of some great new Man of Steel stuff from Warner Bros. Consumer Products or DC Collectibles… For a flying Kryptonian, the sky’s the limit! Also, be certain to “like” DC Comics and Superman on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for even more fun Superman stuff.

Fans can keep up to date with DC’s month-long promotional drive on the official DC and Superman Facebook pages.

Birthday gift? Check out the featured image’s upper right logo.


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Source: DCComics.com



Z is pretty much a guy who fancies himself some comics. Batman, Green Lantern, Superman, it dosen't matter. We don't know much about Z, but he seems like a cool guy.