BATWING #21 Preview: Lion Mane

Lion Mane has Batwing by the throat in Batwing #21, check out the preview of the new issue click the jump.

Plot: Caught in the jaws of Lion-Mane—who is the NEW Batwing?

Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray (writers of All Star Western and Ame-Comi Girls) are doing wonders with Batwing. They have replaced David Zambive with Luke Fox (Lucius Fox’s son) in order to get this character closer to Gotham City and to the Batman universe. If you haven’t read the previous issues of Batwing, you should. Batwing #20 is great jumping on point to read from. As far as diversity is concerned in the Batman universe, it seems that Luke Fox is making head way into the issue of diversity.

Luke Fox is duking it out with Lion Mane in his efforts to finish up the work in Africa. Last issue left the readers at a nice action cliff hanger. Batwing #21 will be in stores on June 5th. Check it out and pick it up. See the preview down below.

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